Nude Swimmers

A group for those of us who enjoy nude swimming - for fun - for exercise and for competition. List places where you can swim laps nude please

Unexpected benefit of UK Covid rules.

The Covid restrictions over the last year have meant that hotel swimming pools have to be restricted to valid household groups who need to book an exclusive session, usually half an hour or so. This has resulted in my being able to swim naked...

Lanzarote Charco del Palo

My favourite place is Charco del Palo in Lanzarote, which is a nudist village and the freedom to be 24/7 naked makes me feeling lucky to have discovered this little Paradise. I love swimming there in my birth suit

First Nude Swim of the Year

Pool got opened late and grandson's school got out early, so I hadn't had the opportunity for a nude swim in our pool until today. Hope to get more now that our grandson is back with his mother for 2 weeks and will be in day camp 9 - 3 when...

Gunnison 9/20

Went to Gunnison yesterday. Very good day. Ideal air temperature, light breeze, busy but not crowded. Water cooler than expected but tolerable. Revised signage around outdoor showers area clarifying that it is not in the clothing optional zone. One...

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Any swimmer here in Chapel Hill?

Any swimmer here in Chapel Hill who regularly exercise?

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Seattle Swim

With the pools closed to COVID and wanting to get naked and swim, I was wondering if there are any local open water swimmers wanting to chat and hopefully swim (naked) together when it warms up?

My own back yard

Nice to have my own pool and privacy fence since I do live in town, but some of my neighbors can see over the fence, oh well hope they enjoy the view.

Another use for tan-through swimwear

My wife and I use tan-through swimwear for swimming at textile hotel indoor pools. The reason for this is twofold. They are usually more comfortable to swim in than Lycra and they dry incredibly quickly. Simply roll them in the hotel's towel...


U think i have a suit fetish. I have more than I can suits 6. Thongs a few. Trunks maybe 10 or 15

Nude open water swim

In this country (USA), there are nude golfing events, numerous nude 5k runs, nude bowling and nude volleyball tournaments, and even a nude bike ride. I am sure these are all fun events, but none of them makes anywhere near as much sense as a nude...