Nude Swimmers

A group for those of us who enjoy nude swimming - for fun - for exercise and for competition. List places where you can swim laps nude please

Florida Skinny-dipping

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Very lucky to be able to skinny-dip at home year-round. Even at textile beach, I wade out a bit and remove my suit and stay that way until ready to come back in. Love it!

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RE:Florida Skinny-dipping

Glad to hear there is some civilised behaviour where you are.
I'm particularly lucky because in Britain, where I live and Spain where I mostly holiday before breakfast skinny-dipping does not need a swimsuit to enter of leave the water.
See this video as an example.

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RE:Florida Skinny-dipping

I do the same thing, there is also a beach that very few people wander down the end where I am able to lay out nude and sometimes able to walk the beach nude as well

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RE:Florida Skinny-dipping

Cobra, Is that beach accessible now after Milton? Thx

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