Nude Tabletop Gamers
Who doesn't like playing Board games (EX: Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer 40k, Kobolds ate my baby, Yu-Gi-Oh)? The only problem is most gamers are textilers... So my goal is to find other naturist gamers. I can't be the only one!
Burn that 300 gp diamond. Resurrect the group! Dust off the d20s. 5th edition 2024-style D&D is here. I was able to play a couple of card/board games at a nude gathering recently. Upgrading to ttrpgs would be grand!
There has been so little activity on here, so I thought it would be good to start something on here. There used to be a board game night at our local resort. I popped into it only once, and it was mostly people playing the standards that have been...
Played and DM's a lot of D&D years ago, mostly AD&D and v.3.5. Got back into it and found Dungeon World. I love this system and have been GMing for 2 or 3 years now. I just purchased Dungeon Crawl Classics and played my first game last...
Has anyone tried Night Witches? Ill be running it with a group of novices on Wednesday night. Wish me luck.
I saw Guild Ball at one of my local game stores. It isn't cheap, so I'd like to find out a bit more about it before I take the plunge. Has anyone here tried it? Ted.
Apples to Apples Arkham Horror Cards Against Humanity(including expansions 1 thru 6, and The Box pack, Science pack, & Crabs Adjust Humidity Vol. 1) Checkers Chess Clue Cthulhu Fluxx Dungeon Roll Life Mansions of Madness (with...
Are there any gamers in the Houston area. I am trying to get back into board games, groups or singles ok. Tabletop rpg, card games, risk, anything! I just need some people to play with!
Are there any naked D&D figures? I'm aware of creatures, I'm just curious about the PCs themselves.
Fun to watch web show. They play lots of different tabletop games, giving you an idea of what all these games are like. Enjoy.
I wanna get into 40k but i know of a cheper knockoff version called Warpath. Should i get quality or quantity with futuristic magical warfare?