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Kettlebell swing challenge

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Gonna start a kettlebell swing challenge today - 50 kettlebell swings a day for one week. Wish me luck.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Great, keep us updated. You will do it.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Just got done with my first day of 50 kettlebell swings a day for a week challenge. Did the American swing today but plan to mix it up in the coming days as I get more into it. Crazy how that got my heart rate up and my core and glutes working. Now on to the stepper for some more cardio.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Thanks for the encouragement Appreciate it.

Great, keep us updated. You will do it.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Day 2 of 50 kettlebell swings a day for 7 days is in the books. Did it first thing in the morning and tired to add some more kettlebell routine but had to tap out.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Day 3 of my 50 kettlebell swings a day for one week challenge is done. Did the American swing today and surprisingly instead of this being easy on day 3 it was harder.Not sure if that is because it is working or because my form was bad or I didnt warm up enough. Or maybe just fatigue I have been pushing hard to workout between 5-6 days a week with one rest day. Anyway since my core, glutes and thighs were on fire I did a quick 5 min upper body shoulders and arms kettlebell routine and wrapped up. Will catch cardio later.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Day 4 of 50 kettlebel swing challenge in the books wasn't as hard today went back to alternating single arm swings. Then did some cardio on bike for 20 minutes. I think I see changes already from this challenge. Burned 179 calories in the 20 min 5 mile ride to complement the strength and cardio from the kettlebell

This post was edited a year ago
  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Day 5 of the challenge complete. Today I tried the double arm swing with a kettlebell in both hands despite going down I weight because I wasnt really familiar with this swing variation I still think my form was not good. I felt to much in my back but I persevered also need to do more warm up before starting swings.

Made it a full on kettlebell core workout did single arm overhead march (both sides), around the world, figure eight, and halo, 3 set 12 reps. Did 12 gorilla rows for arm and transition to more core with two arm overhead march and teeter totter for the obliques 2 sets 12 reps.

Kettlebells are by far my favorite strength building free wights to use. If you use kettlebells in your workout routine, I would love to hear about your workouts and routines.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Day 6 of 50 kettlebell swings challenge complete. Warmed up a bit ore today but still not sure. Y form is where I want it. I think I need to slow down a bit. Todays swings were one arm alternating. They felt much more comfortable than the two arm swings yesterday since that was the first time doing that.

Added a kettlebell core workout again today with 3 sets and twelve reps of marching twists, alternating shoulder press march (they worked my arms as well as core), around the world, figure eight and overhead march. I was feeling pretty good still after my three sets so I did 20 more kettlebell swings. I was gassed after that so cardio with have to wait until later.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Day seven of my 50 kettlebelss swings everyday for a week is in the books. After the standard kettlebell swings I did kettlebell core and arms 3 set 12 reps of alternating arm kettlebell march, around the world, kettlebell twisting march, halo, figure eight, overhead march, double gorilla row and double bicep curls.

For cardio I did 15 minute HIIT on the stepper
I think I will stick with the 50 kettlebell swings everyday. While I don't see any drastic change yet it i do feel stronger in my core, and that feels good. So I would encourage everyone to try especially if you like kettlebells like me.

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  • a year ago
RE:Kettlebell swing challenge

Congratulations on completing your challenge. I also work out with kettlebells and find them an excellent means of strengthening my core as well as building muscle. I also enjoy working out nude which I find is more enjoyable and sweat evaporates easier and I dont get sticky. I also like not feeling any constriction that clothes cause.

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  • a year ago

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