Nude Wrestlers
A group for anyone interested in wrestling nude for fun or watching others.
Nude oil wrestling
Return to DiscussionsNude oil wrestling at Rosebay male naturist camp near Peterborough
- 4 years ago
No just took a big bottle of Johnson and Johnson baby oil and had some fun on a old plastic pool cover lol
Still got half bottle of baby oil left if you fancy a go lol
- 4 years ago
Sounds wonderful. I would love to wrestle nude in oil and would be hard all the time! Happy to suffer any penalty for losing
- 4 years ago
Sounds like fun to me
- 4 years ago
Would be great fun.
- 4 years ago
Yes it would be good fun
- 4 years ago
Nude oil wrestling, it diffidently sounds like fun and I'm very interested in trying that , don't care if i win or loose, just the thought sounds very fun and exciting. would not care if my opponent was m or f,. Win or loose would love the bare skin to bare skin contact, the more oil the better.
- 2 years ago
Id love to join you. Hope you still have the cover and a bottle of oil.
- a year ago