Nude Wrestlers
A group for anyone interested in wrestling nude for fun or watching others.
Return to DiscussionsHas anyone tried nude wrestling yet? I never have, but it does sound like good fun, I must admit I have thought of trying it but never had the opportunity. Therefore I would be interested to hear of any experinces any of you have had.
- 16 years ago
I agree about trying to get a group together, the problem as I see it is that it has to be outside but where? One of the group would ideally have a secluded back yard, an alternitive would be a secluded wooded area, does anyone have any suggestions.
- 16 years ago
yes. I wrestled in middlechool and when I got into nudism, I've had a couple nude wrestling matches. I'd like to try nude oil wrestling, but haven't found a place to do it.
- 16 years ago
I have done naked oil wrestling in London a few times, it s great fun and well organised, with a naked ref too. Forget you are naked when actually westling as too busy trying to pin oponant down lol. Oil helps to even out any weight or experience advatage to. Our bouts last three minutes but feels a lot longer when doing it, and does give you a great work out.
- 16 years ago
I've wrestled nude many times and enjoy it. You tend to forget you're nude since most of your time is spent pinning your wrestle mate or trying not to get pinned yourself. If there is a weight discrepency, you should try oil wrestling. It certainly evens out the playing field. Although I'm nowhere near great, I never turn down a chance to wrestle. Keep the body and mind sharp.
- 16 years ago
I would definitely think oil wrestling would even the odds out. Would like to try that sometime.
- 15 years ago
I have wrestled nude a few times....more for fun and exercise than serious competition. It was great fun, and oiled up was fun as well. Trying to find a few guys that are local to get together regularly has been tough, not to mention finding a place to do it! But it is fun, and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in trying it. I think it was Jakari that mentioned setting the ground rules early on is a good idea too!
- 15 years ago
Hey there,
I am interested in forming a Nude Wrestling Group for the San Francisco Bay Area. I can "Host" at my house?
- 15 years ago
Regular naked wrestling sessions are organised by Speedo-Wrestlers including rip 'n' strip, oil and naked coaching sessions.
- 15 years ago
Speedo sponsers the nude wrestling? That would be cool! Ive done naked oil wrestling and its so fun! was in a houses patio set up just for that
- 14 years ago
Speedo-Wrestlers has now closed. Any suggestions for other venues most welcome.
- 14 years ago