Nude Wrestlers
A group for anyone interested in wrestling nude for fun or watching others.
Interested in continuing to do this. Have one opponent, looking for others. Have a large property where we can wrestle outdoors in nice weather, or indoors any time. Contact if interested.
Hello, check my naked project out and send your photos if you want :)
There has been a new all male WhatsApp group created where you can chat, make new friends and share experiences. We aim to arrange meets and events soon. If you are interested please tap on the link below....
Lately I've been really into sumo wrestling and hold my own "matches" using a big mat with a ring on it as well as my heavy standing punching bag that bops around.I follow sumo technique and rules to knock it out of the circle, and...
Does anyone else enjoy watching videos of nude wrestling, and chatting about it?
Looking to hang out buddies
I read on another site that back when the YMCA was male only, some men would wrestle nude because they thought it would intimidate their opponent. Has anyone else heard of this?
Hey, guys, Ive been back into naked wrestling again lately with two buds. One of them has been teaching us folk style takedowns and defenses. It is hella fun!!! Which moves do you enjoy?