Nude Wrestlers
A group for anyone interested in wrestling nude for fun or watching others.
Nekkid Wrestling
Return to DiscussionsHey, guys, Ive been back into naked wrestling again lately with two buds. One of them has been teaching us folk style takedowns and defenses. It is hella fun!!! Which moves do you enjoy?
- 6 years ago
I was always best at doing upper body throws like the head and shoulder, lateral. I always wanted to try suplexes but it wasnt allowed in school.
- 6 years ago
I does seem vitak to avoid your opponent grabbing your cock or balls or getting his finger up your hole!
- 5 years ago
Thats part of the fun wrestling naked, Get his cock and balls before he gets yours!
- 5 years ago
I does seem vitak to avoid your opponent grabbing your cock or balls or getting his finger up your hole!
i would love having someone's finger up my hole
- 5 years ago
I wrestled naked years ago and loved it!!!!! Id love your finger up my hole too!!!!!
- 5 years ago