Nudest Massage Uk
Group created for people who would like a nude massage and give one after.
Anybody for a massage exchange in Edinburgh?
use to have some lovely massages here in s wales at one point but cant find anyone local now to have one
Looking for singles/couples for naked massage exchange in south-west England or South Wales Competent masseur, muscular.
Hi i will be in Wilmslow in january on business and looking for accommodation for one night .In return i will give a long slow massage and anything else you desire. Male Female Couple or group please get in touch. Regards Admin
Anyone live in Cambs/Beds/N'Hants are want a massage nude or covered your choice, get in touch as like to gain the practise for course I am doing at this time. Within 10/15 miles of Kimbolton.
hi love to give and recieve a nude massage. never had one before but love being nude .happy to meet couples, ladies or men.message me
Is there anyone in or around Birmingham willing to offer a massage? I cannot offer to do one in return but would be willing to learn. John