Nudism and spirituality (in the modern sense) together bring us closer to Nature. Meditation is like inward prayer, communing with our inner being, our life spirit, making us happy and healthy.

Praying naked in a church

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I happened to do it a few years ago in the church of a village. These churches in France are very often closed outside the religious offices. By asking the key to the person who holds it, we can visit often alone this church. That is what I did once taking care to close the door behind me so as not to shock an improbable but possible visitor. There, I put myself completely naked and I prayed fervently standing then on his knees, prostrating myself before the altar; I felt a certain humiliation accompanied by a great well-being: I offered myself to God without clothes as he had created us. I felt frail, myself naked in the middle of this fairly large building and I felt a deep peace of mind, my action finished

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RE:Praying naked in a church

To be naked in a place like a church where people, believers or not, are already exceptional: an interesting approach but one that causes a little fear, this outdated fear, is the peace of the soul. We are naked as God created us from where this heightened feeling of vulnerability when you are alone in a rather large building.We feel good but also very humble but not related to being naked there, but in the process and in relation to our deep beliefs, not easy to explain.

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RE:Praying naked in a church

Being naked in church must be connecting with God in the way it was intended . Adam and Eve were created by God and were happy . Was it really the snake and the apple that made them feel naked or was it lust . If someone covers there "private" areas does it not make people curious what they are like without the covering. Going to church in your Sunday best is a form of look at me I can afford better clothes than you therefore I am better with you . I lost my faith in the christian church as I believe that if I can help someone then I do .
A while ago someone got me to read a book on Metaphysics and now I see things more clearly .
Churches and church yards make me feel relaxed and praying meditating in church naked must be the ultimate feeling to be in Gods house as intended , alas around here certainly be frowned upon .
Ramble over

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