Nudism In Switzerland

Bring together swiss nudists and welcoming traveling nudists from all over the world. Support all nudists in finding great nude places such as nude beaches, saunas and nude swimming in public swimmingpools. Lets discuss Swiss specifc nude topics as they arise. Won't add profiles without nude pics!

Schweizer radelt nackt um die Welt / Swiss nude cyclist goes around the world

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Finde ich noch stark, was der David Brandenberger da macht. Er ist schon 4 Jahre mit seinen Solar-Trike unterwegs und das oft nackt. Sein TN Name ist Bareskibum und postet immer mal wieder Bilder von seinen Zwischenstopps. Jetzt ist er gerade in Neuseeland. Ich folge ihm gerne.

I still think great what David Brandenberger is doing there. He has been on the road with his solar trike for 4 years and is often naked. His TN name is Bareskibum and regularly posts pictures of his stopovers. Now he's in New Zealand. Go check him out and may be follow him.

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RE:Schweizer radelt nackt um die Welt / Swiss nude cyclist goes around the world

Really damn that's nice! I get more inspired to be Nudist Cycling! I hope I can visit the whole world just using bike and stop over for the nudist places! And if I do that I am the Happiest nudist

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