Nudist Friends

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Naked Friendship

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Friendships happen when we get to know others who experience life
the way we do. We all have friends from work, from different social
organizations, neighbors with whom we develop friendships. It
usually involves having "something in common" which we first must
discover.. .

With naked friends, though, just the opposite happens. Open and
naked with one another from the start, every part of us is visible,
and what we share at once is our common humanity! Our so called
intimate body parts, treated with the utmost secrecy in clothed
society, are fully visible, yet treated nonchalantly. All of us
experience natural curiosity about how others might look naked, so
having our nakednesss out there makes us vulnerable
in the most positive way, alleviates the chance for anxieties as
the friendship grows. If the chemistry is right, it opens the
possibility of a deeper physical relationship, should things move
in that direction. I think we all agree, that clothes-free living
helps us to experience life, and friendships, more fully and

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