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Seventy one here

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Kind of a unusual question, but I have to go have a stent put in next week and I was wondering the thoughts of others if they would shave there pubes before they go or they would let the nurse at the hospital do it. Mike

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RE: Seventy one here

I didn't realise shaving there was necessary for a stent. After doing some online research it seems in the UK they like the patient to do it themselves and even give you a little diagram of where to shave. Hope it goes well for you Mike.

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RE: Seventy one here

In the USA it depends on the doctor, there are other places that they can go in but the groin area is the preferred. I think the right shoulder is the other place, but for some reason they discourage that, or at least most do, if they even give you a choice. I was a little surprised when they told me that they were going in my groin again this time as they are putting it in my right leg. I don't really care but just thought they would go in my thigh to do it. It is better if you shave it, but it is more fun if you let them do it. This is a very, very prudish area and especially the female nurses do not want to do it, but they want you to request a male nurse to do it. And thanksfor the roses.

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RE: Seventy one here

Yes, just took a look, very nice, when my pubes are grown out they are not very thick.

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RE: Seventy one here

I've never had a stent implant, but did get my pubes shaved some years ago for a
vasectomy--a simple outpatient procedure usually done
in a doctor's office. I was placed on an exam table with both legs
in stirrups (the kind they place women in for gynacologists'
exams). A female nurse appeared, with warm shaving cream and a
razor, assuring me that she had a steady hand and I needn't worry.
She then shaved me--balls, bush and everything in that area. When I
started getting a little hard she assured me, once again, saying
that "penises have minds of their own". Seems she must do
that as part of her regular duties, shave guys' balls all day. The
doctor then came in and performed the snip-snip and I was on my way
after a short while. Later that day, though, I couldn't help but
imagine that nurse coming home from work and her spouse/partner
asking "How'd things go at the office today Honey?" LOL

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