Everything that makes you healthier.

Welcome to the Nudist Health Group.
This is a place where everyone can help and encourage others to be healthier than before. It is open to anyone who likes to be healthier.
We can talk about food, exercise, sleep, work, play etc. that brings us to a healthier life style. As you have noticed that in the last five years, more and more healthy life style is more discussed and appreciated in any social media: Healthy Cooking, Good Exercise, Raw Food, Juices, Lose Weight, Gain Muscle, Sleep Well, Healthy Psychology, you name it.
Our generation has seen a lot of bad results from not taking care our health in daily basis.I am not an angel in healthy life style nor a nutritionist. I am just a regular guy (and yes, like to be naked) who has made decision to live healthier each day if possible. Life is too short to be sick and suffered from our not healthy lifestyle. I like to enjoy life by maintaining my health.
Being healthy is something that we have to maintain in daily basis. It is not easy but possible. How? That's up to you all. Let's talk and share.

Enjoy the written conversation and friendship built in here. Don't forget, good friendship will add value to your health too.

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