Nudist Who Like A Sensual Massage
This is a group for those nudists who like a nice sensual massage, both giving and recieving.
Love getting and would like to exchange oil massages with male counterparts.
Anyone in the Denver area interested in trading massage? or just receiving one?
Hoping to find someone in the swfl area, Naples, to Marco area interested in trading massages. Few people looked at last post but no replys. Still holding out hope that there are other like minded guys in the area?
Hi nog vrouwen in het noorden van Nederland die ook van masseren en gemasseerd worden houden?
Anybody have any videos they would share of giving or receiving a sensual massage?
Can give a relaxmassage to someone during this period....
Hi everyone, Any guys in the SF Bay Area who like to do massage exchange? Looking to meet other nudists in the area as well.