Nudist Who Watch Game Of Thrones

I'm a HUGE fan of the HBO series Game Of Thrones and hoping to find other nudists who are also HUGE fans of the show and/or have read the books by George R.R. Martin ... Hoping to get together and want to watch the show from season 1 or get together and watch the remaining seasons as the show comes to an end-game...debate topics as well as other theories would be very welcome!

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There are a few people I follow on YouTube that do a great job of breaking down the episodes of Game Of Thrones....I don't do spoilers so I try not to watch the one's that provide leaks...there are some who give their theories which is not the same as spoilers since we are well past the books...I'm going to list the ones I follow and why....if you follow anybody on YouTube then list them and share why , April 14th cannot get here soon enough right ?!!

Smokescreen : Chris does a GREAT job in telling the background stories since he has read the books and how it relates to the show as well as doing a weekly online show to discuss theories

BStucThaPoet : Dem Thrones as they call their episode breakdowns are the most HILARIOUS recaps that I've heard....truly funny guys who give the characters nicknames that are just funny as shit

Daemon Blackfyre / Daemon Blackfyre2.0 : He does a masterful job of history and lore of Game Of Thrones from how it came about...each of the history of the main houses as well....AWESOME history lesson

Game of Theories : self explanatory .present their theories and predictions which I myself don't get into but like I said no one knows since we are past the books

GameofThrones : OFFICIAL releases from HBO such as trailers and teasers

GrayArea : She does a great job as well of history and lore as well as her breakdown of episodes and prediction/theories

In Deep Geek : he breaks down the episodes as well as gives more history and lore

Jay Burgin Reaction : love his reaction to episodes

Leon Andrew Razon Compilations : ALL the best reactions to episodes as well as key moments of Game Of Thrones shown at once....AWESOME way of watching people's reactions all at once

MarrJarr Presents : a husband and wife reaction to watching each episodes....great chemistry

Nikki & Steven React : another husband and wife reactions to episodes...very emotional connection and chemistry

Sean TankTop : AWESOME reaction video because he shows each episode at a bar in Chicago and films the crowds reaction to the episodes!!!

Secrets of the Citadel : another history and lore as well as wrap up shows

Talking Thrones : breakdown and discussions about episodes and trailers

The Last Harpy : breakdowns as well as history and lore

Zokla Drys : Cool guy who does a great job od showing his reaction to the episodes

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