Nudists Living Alone

Either through choice or circumstances this group is for nudists who live alone.

Wish you weren't?

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Anyone in the group who wishes they weren't living alone?

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RE: Wish you weren't?..

Yes. I do wish I was so not alone. I am still in morning and would liketo get by with the help of someone in my life. Not to take the place of Bob, but to ease the pain of the lonelyness.

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I hate being alone. No body to talk with.

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RE: Alone

I say it to my cat, Lucy, and her five beautiful kittens.

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RE: Alone

I went through a divorce last summer. My wife was not a nudist, but was OK with me being nude around home. Years later she decided that it was not the life for her and the marriage ended.

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RE: Wish you weren't?

Frankly, I really don't mind much being alone. Maybe I have a bit of Thoreau in me. I've been living alone now for almost 10 years ....with occasional periods of living alone previously. At this point in my life,if I found myself in a relationship of some kind, I would actually prefer us living in separate places near each other rather than in a live-in situation. Some people seem insecure without another person around all of the time. Others want a relationship mostly for financial reasons.....thoughts of love being secondary. Concerning the latter....I'd make sure that the other person was already financially secure. Some people don't have two dimes to rub together andunfortunately are just looking for someone to finance their preferred lifestyle. And of course....don't forget the "baggage". Whatever problems another person is dragging around automatically become YOUR problemsonce you pair up. These and otherfactors make entering into a steady relationship a real crap-shoot. alone is not such a bad thing. As far as I'm concerned, living alone is just another way of saying thatyou are self-determining, self-reliant,and free !

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RE: Wish you weren't?

I can almost deal with living alone, almost. I've grown accustomed to sleeping alone, but I hate eating alone and although I love to cook, I hate cooking for only myself. All things being equal, I barely made it through last Holiday Season, I doubt I'll make it through another. Sad to say.

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RE: Wish you weren't?

I love living by myself, however there are moments in life, when you wished you weren't, when you want hugs and cuddles from the one, who would love you and love him back unconditionally, free and unattached, just as myself. Maybe, it may happen one day and until than, I will be happily carry on by myself.

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RE: Wish you weren't?

I remember when my ex moved out. When I came home after she'd gone, I felt so alone and burst into tears going "I want you back" to an empty flat. Then the thought hit me - I can have control of the remote. I can go to bed when I want. I can listen to what I want. I can have plants if I want. I stopped crying and thought "Great! I've got my flat back!" If I ever get into a relationship again, I will insist that I remain living alone.

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RE: Wish you weren't?

I pretty much agree with SolidaryMan. I don't mind being alone and being free to be naked as much as I want, sleep when i want, have nude friends over, but eating alone is the hard part and yes, cooking for one is a bitch. I often have the same meal two nights in a row I enjoy not having to justify how I spend my time.

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RE:Wish you weren't?

Was with mom a few years ago but she wasn't a nudist. Did get her open to me nude but mostly not looking. Would be nice living with a nude friend or friends open to me nude 24/7?

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