Nudists On Vacation

This group is for nudist who get naked on vacation). There are many nudist friendly places around the world. If you have traveled to one or many than we want to hear about it. Maybe a flight out of the country or just a 2 hour drive, if your destination was a place to be naked tell us about it.

Nude Sailing vacations on 50' catamaran

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Started a new group recently for folks interested in getting a group of 6-8 friends together for a week long sailing trip on a brand new 50' catamaran. Can be in a variety of locations; Bahamas, BVI, St.Martin, St.Lucia, Belize, Antigua, Greece, Croatia, Tahiti and a few more..
Doing around 8 trips per year. If interested check out the group. "Nude Catamaran Sailing Charters" and post your interest there

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