Nudists That Quit Smoking

This is for nudists that quit smoking to support other nudists that wish to quit or are trying to quit.... share your methods and success stories.

Almost 1 month now

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Well it's just about 1 whole month now and even though I want a smoke so very badly I vowed to myself that this is going to be the time to do it. Lets see how the next month goes.

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RE: Almost 1 month now

I just started. Tonight I had my last smoke (hopefully). I already feel the crave.....but will be strong. Lets see how that morning coffee goes.. Coffee and smoke are sooooooo good together!


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RE: Almost 1 month now

Well, i gave in an got a pack...Looks like I will try again on monday. Its hard quitting when you work with


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RE: Almost 1 month now

Well it's just about 1 whole month now and even though I want a smoke so very badly I vowed to myself that this is going to be the time to do it. Lets see how the next month goes.
Well that was nine months ago. Have you still quit
When I quit I got a real incentive. My new girl friend said "it's the fags or me". Well it was lust, er love, at first site so there was no contest. We stayed together for over 30 years. So it was worth it. But the smell of a fag still brings back the desire - good job smokers have to go outdoors.

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