Nudists Wardrobe

Even nudists have to wear clothes sometimes. Is it the bare minimum? Is it see-through, skimpy or barely legal? And what fun do you have wearing it?

Smallest Wardrobe

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Who has very little clothing?
If you do. list what you have and let's see who has the shortest list.
While mine is not that small, I will post it to get things started.
1 suit jacket
2 dress slacks
2 cargo pants
1 sweat pants
3 swim suits
7 shorts
5 sleeveless shirts
14 t shirts
10 collared shirts
2 sweaters
2 sweat shirts
Bottoms are probably at my minimum, and may even need to add a pair or 2 of jeans when the weather gets cooler.
Don't really need that many shirts, but all of the tanks and ts and a few of the collared shirts have a message or logo of significance to me.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Ordered two pair of long jeans now that weather is getting cooler.Tossed one swimsuit and one pair of short cutoffs.While volume of clothing increased, number did not.

Got rid of a shirt so my count is down by one

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

In the unlikely event that our (UK) prime minister gets a Brexit deal (agreed with the EU and parliament) by the end of October I'll reduce my wardrobe to 25 items.

I hit home given some of the responses. Yes the deal has to be agreed by BOTH the EU and our parliament. Otherwise we crash out with no deal. And there are adverts on our TV telling us to get ready for that eventuality. But sometimes pigs can fly! It would roughly halve my clothing. I have started to think about it. I have also thought of a possible clothing cull if there is no deal. But I'll tell you about that another time.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Ordered two pair of long jeans now that weather is getting cooler.Tossed one swimsuit and one pair of short cutoffs.While volume of clothing increased, number did not.Got rid of a shirt so my count is down by one

Tossed another shirt today but will probably replace it.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Tossed another shirt today but will probably replace it.

That's cheating. You can't replace something or the wardrobe is no smaller

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Tossed another shirt today but will probably replace it.That's cheating. You can't replace something or the wardrobe is no smaller

True. Not claiming it will be, but sometimes something you need wears out and needs to be replaced.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Tossed another shirt today but will probably replace it.That's cheating. You can't replace something or the wardrobe is no smallerTrue. Not claiming it will be, but sometimes something you need wears out and needs to be replaced.

After giving it some thought, I will stay with the net reduction of 1 for now.
If and when I buy another collared shirt, I will get rid of a tank or t to make the purchase neutral.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

In the unlikely event that our (UK) prime minister gets a Brexit deal (agreed with the EU and parliament) by the end of October I'll reduce my wardrobe to 25 items.

Shucks. He's got the EU to agree his deal. Now he just has to get our parliament to agree.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

I case you are wondering: I have identified the 25 garments I will retain. The others have been put in a separate wardrobe, to be worn up to the time he gets Brexit through our parliament (providing it is before the end of October). As he has done half the job (getting it through the EU) I'm giving each garment a 50/50 chance of being worn again or being trashed. Some have gone already binging me down to 40 items.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Are you willing to share your intended retained list or want to wait for the outcome of the vote in parliament?

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

I will share it when all is decided. I'm taking a suit case full to the charity shop tomorrow leaving me with only 29 garments. So it's getting close.

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