Nudists Wardrobe

Even nudists have to wear clothes sometimes. Is it the bare minimum? Is it see-through, skimpy or barely legal? And what fun do you have wearing it?

Smallest Wardrobe

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Who has very little clothing?
If you do. list what you have and let's see who has the shortest list.
While mine is not that small, I will post it to get things started.
1 suit jacket
2 dress slacks
2 cargo pants
1 sweat pants
3 swim suits
7 shorts
5 sleeveless shirts
14 t shirts
10 collared shirts
2 sweaters
2 sweat shirts
Bottoms are probably at my minimum, and may even need to add a pair or 2 of jeans when the weather gets cooler.
Don't really need that many shirts, but all of the tanks and ts and a few of the collared shirts have a message or logo of significance to me.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Yes, only four over the 25 and they won't last long.The list of 25 items retained is:DJ and 2 dress shirtsSuit1 trousers1 jacket1 jeans5 T shirts3 sweaters3 shirts2 mini kilts (12")5 other kilts (of which 2 are adapted for flying) (18" to 20")I have to keep some formal clothes but mostly I wear T shirts etc., hence the mix.So, if I'm not mistaken, I got rid of the following 24 items:1 trousers1 jacket2 shorts6 T shirts3 sweaters5 shirts5 mini kilts2 other kiltsand some cloths

Now that you are at the one year point with the reduced wardrobe, how is it working out?
Have you been inconvenienced by the small amount of clothing?
Has anything worn out and been replaced (or not replaced making your count even smaller)?
Do you miss being able to strip and put your clothes in a donation bin or rip up what you are wearing since you have nothing to spare?

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Is that me you are quoting?
Yes I have to think hard before ripping a garment off or putting it in the charity bin. I just about manage. The jeans get washed twice a week while I'm naked.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Is that me you are quoting?Yes I have to think hard before ripping a garment off or putting it in the charity bin. I just about manage. The jeans get washed twice a week while I'm naked.

Yes, thanks for the reply.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Is that me you are quoting?Yes I have to think hard before ripping a garment off or putting it in the charity bin. I just about manage. The jeans get washed twice a week while I'm naked.

No problems with only kilts and no shorts over the summer? Is anything starting to wear out?

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Is that me you are quoting?Yes I have to think hard before ripping a garment off or putting it in the charity bin. I just about manage. The jeans get washed twice a week while I'm naked.

I never was one to strip at a charity bin, but I sometimes feel like ripping up a piece of clothing but don't because I would have to replace it.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Stripping at a charity bin is such fun because they are usually in fairly public places. One time I heard a woman say to her husband "Did you see what he just did!"

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Orlando Bloom participated in a charity activity where he auctions off the shirt he was wearing. He said afterward he would have been willing to auction off more, but he didn't. I guess if you were in one before you last wardrobe reduction, you would havehad no problem auctioning off everything you were wearing.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

1 suit jacket
2 dress slacks
2 cargo pants
1 sweat pants
3 swim suits(2)
7 shorts(8)
5 sleeveless shirts(3)
14 t shirts(11)
10 collared shirts(8)
2 sweaters
2 sweat shirts
(2 jeans)
Realized I hadn't summarized my current wardrobe for a while, so I have put my current counts in () where they have changed since my last listing.
2 shorts 3 shirts are going soon which will put me below 40 excluding footwear and outerwear.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Also now that you have shorts, do you still need 5 moderate kilts?

I prefer kilts, even modest ones. It's amazing how many ladies want to know what's under the kilt. You don't get that with shorts.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Also now that you have shorts, do you still need 5 moderate kilts?I prefer kilts, even modest ones. It's amazing how many ladies want to know what's under the kilt. You don't get that with shorts.

Good point, at least if you are single.

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