Nudists Wardrobe

Even nudists have to wear clothes sometimes. Is it the bare minimum? Is it see-through, skimpy or barely legal? And what fun do you have wearing it?

Smallest Wardrobe

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Who has very little clothing?
If you do. list what you have and let's see who has the shortest list.
While mine is not that small, I will post it to get things started.
1 suit jacket
2 dress slacks
2 cargo pants
1 sweat pants
3 swim suits
7 shorts
5 sleeveless shirts
14 t shirts
10 collared shirts
2 sweaters
2 sweat shirts
Bottoms are probably at my minimum, and may even need to add a pair or 2 of jeans when the weather gets cooler.
Don't really need that many shirts, but all of the tanks and ts and a few of the collared shirts have a message or logo of significance to me.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Also now that you have shorts, do you still need 5 moderate kilts?I prefer kilts, even modest ones. It's amazing how many ladies want to know what's under the kilt. You don't get that with shorts.

Any thoughts about reducing your current supply of t shirts and sweaters?

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Went to take a nap the other day and saw that my wife had left a pair of scissors on the bed.
I was tempted to cut off my clothing but I am close to optimal now so I decided not to.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

One t shirt and light weight hoodie have vanished.
T shirt was getting old so I was going to toss it soon and not replace it.
Will probably need to get a lightweight hoodie in the fall.
Still planning to toss a long sleeved t shirt once I am certain that warmer weather is here to stay until fall.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Long sleeve t shirt is gone.
One LS dress shirt, one SS dress shirt and one collared polo are wearing out and will not be replaced when they go.
That would still leave me with 2 LS dress shirts, 1 LS and 4 SS collared polos, 7 t's and 3 tanks.
At some point, I would like to get down to 6 t's and 2 tanks.
Then I would be balanced with 13 each of items to wear above and below the waist, excluding footwear and outerwear.
It does seem strange that I have more "tops" than "bottoms" since I only wear one about half as often in warm weather.
Then again since 13 is an unlucky number, perhaps I should go for 12 of each.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

LS polo got a hole in it, so I got rid of it.
While I probably will replace it in the fall, it still feels good to have one less item of clothing for now.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Needed to increase my clothing supply since I am taking a 13 day clothed vacation with little chance to do laundry.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

Bought 3 pair of 5" dress and cargo shorts recently.
Got rid of 2 pair of longer shorts and an old t shirt to keep the count even.

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RE:Smallest Wardrobe

I wore my remaining pair of longer shorts today for the first time since the shorter ones arrived. It made me realize another minor disadvantage.
You have to unzip them to pee instead of using the leg opening!

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