Nudists Who Like Making Real Nudist

a group for real nudist people (NO FAKES) who like chatting and sharing ideas, stories and experiences with other real nudists

Travelites update

Saturday and Sunday, 3/12-13 we had members from the Midlands as well as Florence, SC and California. There are no leaves on the lawn now at all in the immediate back yard. Now we have to put on something and rake the front. The fence going into the... 9 years ago

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by  9 years ago
Nudist welcome at my SF/East Bay place...

I always consider it great that there are many nudist sites here on-line. I try to join as many legitimate ones as possible. With that in mind, I take it for what it is...a starting point to meet other nudists, near and far. It's fine to chat... 13 years ago

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by  13 years ago
getting together

So far, there will be about 20 of us gathering at Whispering Pines, near Myrtle Beach over National Nude weekend July 8-10, 2011. A lot more will be visiting Serendipity over Labor Day weekend. They are in Cleveland, GA and it is a wonderful place... 14 years ago

Cypress Cove in April

A group of us are going to be at Cypress Cove in Kissimmee, FL April 14 - 17. Why not join us there?!! 14 years ago

Get togethers???

Is anyone planning any gatherings? If you're in the Carolinas/Georgia, it would be great to meet online friends in person. Cheri 15 years ago

German nudists

The German part in this Group. Say HERE if you are from Germany or love to do vacations here! 15 years ago

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by  15 years ago