Whether you enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror, or even your own photos. If you're vain or just proud to be nude. Appreciating the beauty of nudity begins by appreciating it in ourselves.

What's your favourite part of your body?

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And why?

We love looking at ourselves so why not share how we look with each other? These groups don't have any pics so Show off your favourite part of yourself in a photo!

Mine are my legs and butt xx What's yours?!

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

Seems like all the guys just love their penis, rod or tool and even their own stick! But I am completely a guy who loves my sweet feet and luscious legs as well as my tantalizing toes.Why cuz for a guy they are very passionate and sexy.

I am a longtime barefoot nudist. I just dont feel nude unless I am barefoot also! I think my feet are very sexy too!

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

For me I wanted my Dads chest hair. But the wife wants me to keep it short.

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

I like my legs and my feet. I have had a fair amount of compliments on both but felt this way prior to the body part accolades.

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

My nipples for sure. After being pierced for several years, and with some play, my nipples have become large. I love looking at them and playing with them. I love it when others notice them and play with them, and its a real turn on when someone sucks on them.

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

My heart of course!

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

I love my nose! I think it has the most character on my body. I also like my dick when it's a semi, looks good.

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

My legs

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

To: NudePaul2010
Your smooth and decorated penis is a real work of art !!!

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

I would have to say my legs and my butt.

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RE:What's your favourite part of your body?

I think that my nipples are the best part that I really love.

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