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Has anyone experienced the amazing feeling being shaved by someone. In my opinion it is a huge turn on. Wife used to bring me out by the pool and shave me and I would do it to her. Always led to a very oral afternoon in the sun by the pool and in the pool. It would turn us both on so much. Sorry if I brought a woman into the chat but man its very hot.

This topic was edited 3 years ago
  • 3 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

We would love being seen. Got caught a few times by neighbor girl who just walked in a lot. Her and her friends always wanted to swim.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

I used to go to a guy to have intimate shaving both front and bum. I can tell you. It the most intimate feeling when some is shaving you , the touch as they move from side to side , move you penis aroubd . Wonderful. Love both penis and my bum been shaved . Wish I could have it done more often by someone.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

Having a regular grooming partner is wonderful. I dated a guy who traveled M-F for work. He didn't have an apartment so he lived with me on weekends. Every Friday when he got home, we took a bubble bath and shaved each other from the neck down. Then we gave each other enemas and spent the night exploring each other's smooth clean bodies and making love.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

My shaving experiences have been medical related. The first time was for my heart cath which they explained how they would go in thru
the large artery in the groin with a tube and snake it up to my heart to view it. So I expected to loose my pubes.
The heart cath revealed that I had a birth defect heart valve that was catching up with at age 52. But the doc assured me that to fix
it was a "simple" open my chest pull out the old insert the new. I did not need a bypass or other procedures. So when I went in
for the open heart surgery I expected to loose my few chest hairs. So it surprised me when the male prep nurse threw aside my gown
and took off my pubes and the hairs on the inside of both legs. When I questioned why he said " In case the doc needs access" which is not what
you want to hear before they knock you out. He did not need access and the hairs grew back. But i did feel very exposed
Then several years later when my pacemaker needed replaced again i expected to loose the few chest hairs. But once again
the male prep nurse took off my pubes but not until i was in the OR with about a half dozen staff in it
When i questioned why I was found out that once in awhile a doc needs to put a temp pacemaker in while swapping out the real one
and to do that they go up thru the artery in the groin. Once again he did not need to do that but I did still have the new look down
below when i got to a nude beach with friends a couple of weeks later.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

Having a regular grooming partner is wonderful. I dated a guy who traveled M-F for work. He didn't have an apartment so he lived with me on weekends. Every Friday when he got home, we took a bubble bath and shaved each other from the neck down. Then we gave each other enemas and spent the night exploring each other's smooth clean bodies and making love.

Exchanging enemas and shaving sounds fantastic

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

Oh I wish I had someone to shave me. Getting a Brazilian wax was great. I mean he treated me like a friend. I was able to get hard in his hands and he was happy about it. With women waxing me I was always soft. Did not want to offend them.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

Used to be a guy in Bisbee who was a nude barber/masseuse and gave great pube and anal shaves. So gentle and took his time, he used a safety razor and lots of hot shaving cream right out of a machine. You had to just stay immobile on his table and let him work to get the maximum impact. He'd fluff you up if you needed it so he could get right in the corners and all around the ticklish spots without a nick. I miss that guy, wonder what happened to his shop, was above a gay bar in the gulch many years ago. I just do it myself now once a week taking a shower, not the same.

This post was edited 2 years ago
  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

My wife shaved me once, and was so nervous about cutting me she did not enjoy doing it.

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

I've shaved some buddies in the past for them. Also was at a gay campground in GA, and shaved about 20 guys one day, for my buddy who was running events there...and this was one of the free services he provided via me. Was fun...

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  • 2 years ago
RE:Being shaved.

Hi if u are in GA, again would you let me know?

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  • 2 years ago