Nudists Who Volunteer

this is a group for those who volunteer..whether it's at an animal shelter or homeless shelter,retirement homes etc,this is a group for you!

What do you do?

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Are any of you lucky enough to do your voluntery work naked. I can't (despite what the pic below shows). One day a week I'm a volunteer gardener at Fountains Abbey, a world herritage site near here. I'ts mainly clearing up leaves and fallen branches but we prune from time to time. I also help with our village hall. Hiring it uot and clearing up after people.

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RE: What do you do?

One advantege of working (volunteering) somewher is getting to know the placw really well. I got to know the secret entrances at the place I go gardening and could go for a longish naked walk there before they opened, taking a few photos on the way. Great fun. I got caught by a dog walker on my way out, still naked as I'd left my clothes hidden under a tree.

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