Nudists Who Want Anti-Nudism Laws C

A group for those of us who want to have anti-nudism laws in our areas or states overturned or changed!

Nudity is a Victimless Crime

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No one is harmed by seeing human beings in their natural state. There's no valid reason to criminalize being in your natural state.

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RE:Nudity is a Victimless Crime

Ness need to stand for nudity....and plan events...

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RE:Nudity is a Victimless Crime

I agree that it is human's natural state so it is not even a crime.

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RE:Nudity is a Victimless Crime

Would love more freedom in this area!

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RE:Nudity is a Victimless Crime

Some anthropologists believe that humans started wearing clothing in response to global cooling.
Maybe global warming will give us reason and permission to stop!

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