Nudists Who Want Anti-Nudism Laws C

A group for those of us who want to have anti-nudism laws in our areas or states overturned or changed!

Time to be heard!

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The group has grown nicely in recent weeks. It's time for our voices to be heard. Here is a copy of the e-mail which I sent to two local newspapers. As I locate the addresses, I will also send to the TV stations. This may do no good, but since we have no C/O beach nearby, there is nothing to lose and everything to be gained. Let the editors in your area know that you support a C/O beach.
"Considering the sad state of the economy and this areas dependence upon tourism, I feel that officials would be remiss if they did not at least consider designating a portion of the beach as clothing optional. Consider the success of Haulover Beach in Miami, FL which has been clothing optional since 1991.
Nude tourism has been growing year by year, slowed, now, only by the recession. Many area residents may spend their recreational dollar elsewhere, just for the opportunity to skinny dip in the ocean. Tourists from neighboring states, who may wish to include a day at a clothing optional beach in their vacation plans may skip the Grand Stand and travel instead to Florida, New Jersey, California, Hawaii or the Caribbean or even Europe.
Many have participated in skinny dipping at one time or another and perceive it as harmless, innocent fun. Surveys, taken elsewhere, have shown that the vast majority of the public have no objection to the establishment of clothing optional beaches in designated areas. Id very much like to see the results of a survey taken, here, of residents and tourists, alike. The numbers may be a surprise."

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RE: Time to be heard!

I have no beaches nearby but do agree that it cant hurt to bring it up. I go to Sardis Lake all summer long and my fiance and I both stay nude from the time the boat leaves the dock until we return. We lay out on the raft and cook out on the bank and have never had a problem. It would be great if they would designate a part of the lake as clothing optional.

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RE: Time to be heard!

I have no beaches nearby but do agree that it cant hurt to bring it up. I go to Sardis Lake all summer long and my fiance and I both stay nude from the time the boat leaves the dock until we return. We lay out on the raft and cook out on the bank and have never had a problem. It would be great if they would designate a part of the lake as clothing optional.

Shoot off a couple of letters. Who knows? Certainly won't hurt.

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RE: Time to be heard! Americans United for the Separation of Church and State

I sent this report to theAmericans United for the Separation of Churchand State regarding government violation of the first amendment which state that no laws will be passed to further the beliefs of any religion.

Bird Island which straddles the NC/SC state line was traditionally a clothing optional beach for many years. After hearing that North Carolinas anti-nudity law would be enforced, there, I looked up the law in both states. The laws are highly restrictive of simple nudity in any public area. Since there is no public safety issue involved or even any evidence that contemporary community standards are being supported, I can only conclude that the existing laws were written to further religious beliefs. This, of course, would violate the 1st amendment (US Constitution).
Regarding, contemporary community standards, polls have been taken, elsewhere, that indicate little opposition to clothing optional beaches in designated areas. A TV report on the Bird Island enforcement and comments may be found, below.
Thank you for consideration of this issue.
Signature has been deleted, here
Admittedly, this is a long shot but once again there is nothing to lose. If we happen to strike the right chord, anywhere, it could turn things around. Look out ACLU, you are on tomorrows list.

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RE: Time to be heard! Americans United for the Separation of Church and State

A thought has occurred to me. At what age does the law see fit to arrest you for being nude in public. If a baby is naked, its cute. If a small child is running through the sprinkler naked it is innocent fun. At what age does the law say "its not ok anymore". Seems to me there may be a loophole in there some where.

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RE: Time to be heard! Americans United for the Separation of Church and State

Man thats a scary thought. Petiphiles are in the news every day and yet nude adults are more a legal matter than nude children. How are we even suppose to wrap our minds around the goofy laws that are made.

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RE: Maybe we need a good hoax to get the message out there!

hmm..this could be interesting...i dunno who'd buy it or be remotely fooled by it though.
If S.I. D.A persisted for five years, Why not? I've sent out a trail balloon, so to speak, in one Forum. A few replies pro or con will indicate that it's worth pursuing. I will keep you posted.

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