Nudists With Motor Homes & Trav

A group for nudists with motorhomes and travel trailers, where they can tell about their travels, associated problems. Also where RV owners can offer tips and advise to others, either about their vehicles or travel. A place to show off pictures of their vehicles and travel. Discussions of where nudists can park their machines and vacation destination for nude RV'ing is welcome.


Any advise on sealing roofs and windows of a motorhome?


I just posted a pic of my homebuilt on its first outing to go get new shoes. Its been to a few nudist resorts in the last year and MANY bugs worked out. Currently it is set up on my off grid little patch of paradise. I get to stay declothed, so...

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Hello all, thanks foraccepting me.

attached is my new camper pic. love nude camping. please say hi if you see me at the campground and in the chat room.

My first rv summer

My first summer as owner of rv trailer is coming to close but did get a chance to decorate my trailer and make it more like mine.

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In central California

Looking for places to go other than resorts to take our trailer to and be nude suggestions?

In central California

Looking for places to go other than resorts to take our trailer to and be nude suggestions?

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1997 coachman trailer

Just got a 1997 coachman trailer. Wont travel with it because I dont have anything big enough to pull. It will stay on site at the club where I will be a member. Any newbie advice appreciated.

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Hello All,

I have had travel trailers, pickup campers, and spent 10 years living and traveling full time in a 38 foot motor home, going from Mexico to Alaska and back....I rarely stayed at RV parks. Usually just boondocking since my RV was set up for it....

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Midlands Gay Couple Motorhome - Full Time

Hey all, We are a youngish gay couple that have a 2005 auto trail chieftain motorhome that we live in full time and love! We are new to the motorhome world as previous had a caravan but wanted the turn the key and go lifestyle. We have been on this...

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New member with a just purchased motorhome

My wife and I have been renting cabins or rooms when we visit places like Cypress Cove. We just came back from Club Orient, but just before we left we brought home our new to us motor home. 2003 Tiffin Allegro Bay that really in good shape. We hope...