Nudists Working To Be Healthier

This is a place for anyone who would wants to be healthier today than they were yesterday. It's my hope that we can inspire each other to do better every day. It's a proven fact that folks who eat less "junk" and exercise live longer than those who don't. I want to live a long time so I can be naked more! ;)

It is done!

4 weeks of treadmill, bowflex and dumbells. Then, 90 Days of Power 90 workouts. I've lost 32 lbs so far this year. My BF% is down from around 37% to 29.9%. During Power 90 I lost 20 lbs and 14.5 inches overall. I'm quite pleased with my...

Well, 3.5 Months in and still going....

I've completed 11 weeks of Power 90 plus the 4 weeks I worked out prior. I've lost 27 lbs so far - still a long way to go but i don't "feel" fat anymore. In fact, the other day I looked in the mirror and thought - dang boy,...

It's almost "chunky...

Just a few more weeks and the pool should be open. I hope to be back to "skinny dipping" before shutting it back down for the Winter! Gosh, I haven't "skinny dipped" since I was 20-something. LOL! The workouts are still going...

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Almost Completed 2 months!

Well, that stupid scale finally moved. All of the sudden I have lost 4 lbs. I'm down almost 2.5" in my stomach in the last 4 weeks and my BF% has started to drop too! Needless to say, I'm a happy, naked camper! Anyone besides me and...

Power 90 - The early days

Ok, so I've started this "Power 90" program. It's 90 days and is supposed to work wonders if you work with it and be consistent. I've completed 3 days and it's tough. The hardest parts are the push-ups, dips, ab work and...

Circumstances have kept me from working...

a trip where time did not allow, now father-in-law in the hospital. On my 5th day with no workout, and it's driving me nuts!! Gator1

I'm getting to where I really look...

It's taken me a few weeks to get that way, but now I can't wait for my workout time to roll around! Love P90X! Gator1

Just like the Energizer bunny....

I'm still going. :) Week 4, 1/25/11 Report: Still plugging along on the journey. I've made it 23 Days without missing a workout or going off my diet plan. If you knew me, you'd know how incredible that is. LOL! I've raised my weights...

Well, here I go again....

I weighed 273 lbs on Sunday. So, on Monday I quit eating junk and got my butt up at 5:15 a.m. to do a mile on the treadmill using the HIIT method. Monday evening I did another mile at a moderate speed. I drink a lot of water and I've eaten clean...

Anyone else (besides Littlebare60) doing...

I started this group and have not done squat on a consistent basis. I have just started again. The most frustrating part is that I know a LOT about HOW to do it correctly. I know how to work out without getting hurt. I know the proper foods to...

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