Nudists Working To Be Healthier

This is a place for anyone who would wants to be healthier today than they were yesterday. It's my hope that we can inspire each other to do better every day. It's a proven fact that folks who eat less "junk" and exercise live longer than those who don't. I want to live a long time so I can be naked more! ;)

Working to get healthier

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I figure I'm not the only one who is working to be healthier. Maybe you need to lose weight. Maybe you need to gain weight. Maybe you want to quit smoking or drinking. Maybe you just want to eat better. Whatever your goal, I'd like this group to be a place of support.
As of today, I have lost 12lbs on the scale. I've gained muscle so I figure maybe 15 - 20lbs fat loss and 3 - 8lbs of muscle gained. I follow the Body for Life program. I eat 5 - 6 smaller meals per day and workout alternating cardio and strength training. I do this Monday through Saturday. On Sunday, I celebrate "Free Day" by not exercising and I eat whatever I want. Usually includes some pizza and Oreos or brownies. I'm not perfect and I'm not nearly as far along as I should be but I'm not where I was.
If I can help you, let me know either here or send me a private message. In spite of my current shape (and round IS a shape!) I do have a good deal of knowledge about getting in better shape.

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