Nudists Working To Be Healthier

This is a place for anyone who would wants to be healthier today than they were yesterday. It's my hope that we can inspire each other to do better every day. It's a proven fact that folks who eat less "junk" and exercise live longer than those who don't. I want to live a long time so I can be naked more! ;)

Getting serious again...

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I must confess that I haven't been doing very well for about 6 weeks. I was studying and stressing and just didn't do what I had been doing. I haven't weighed or checked BF% but I know it's up - I can feel it. But, beginning now I will eat better and I will exercise consistently. It'll take me 6 - 10 months to reach my goal but it took me much longer than that to get this way.
I'm somewhere around 250lbs and 36% BF (guessing) and want to be around 210 - 215 and 12 - 15% BF. The key is do come up with a plan you can live with because if you don't change your habits - you can't change your body. I know, I've been at this for almost 48 years. It's twice as hard at 48 than it was at 40!
Anyone want to be accountability partners?

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