Nudity And Nude Scenes In Movies An

This group is for all those who love seeing nudity on film or TV, either seeing actors and actresses naked or group scenes of nudity. There is often a sexual component to much film nudity. This is about the nudity and body exposure or natural expression of nudity, rather than the sexual intent. It's for a discussion on how nudity in films might have influenced their own views on the naked...

Surprising Nude Scene

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Have you ever been watching a film or television series where a nude scene shows up and kind of takes you by surprise? Or have you been watching something and an actor you never expected to see nude shows up in a scene? I am just trying to think of some and a couple come to mind. Sir John Gielgud is briefly nude as a British Jew sent to a death camp in The Winds of War. Mel Gibson has that brief skinnydipping scene in Gallipoli. I love that the men are nude in that scene as the bullets rain down on them under water. Their human vulnerability and the horror of war is given more power by them being naked. It's so interesting that we don't see Janet Leigh completely nude in the Psycho shower scene, yet we know she's nude and the shower and suggestion of nudity is highly effective even without total exposure.

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

I felt the same way when I saw Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet. Our 8th grade class went together to see it at a theatre when I was 14. I loved the movie and I was both surprised and very excited to see him get out of bed and to see his bare bum. By that time in my life I had seen many naked males of all ages and I saw some of my friends who were there with me that day in our school gang showers after physical education. But there was something so exciting about seeing male nudity up ther larger than life on the big screen. I remember a couple of girls giggling but I think the nudity is handled very well and it's a highly effective use of it in a film. I also just loved it.

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

I was always surprised by the beginning of the movie Carrie. Especially since it was a horror movie and the girls were supposed to be very young, especially Sissy Spacek. The whole tone seemed out of place so it was jarring when they started yelling "Plug it up!"

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

I just looked for it and found: was surprised.

It stops before the most alarming part...

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

I believe Nick Stahl appears naked in the film Bully while talking to his dad.

Yes you are right. You see his full bush in the mirror. Neither him or his dad in the film think anything of him being nude while they both talk in the bathroom. He walks in the bathroom like it is a normal regular thing for dad to walk in while his high school son is naked in the bathroom having a regular conversation. Good example of how life should be between a father and son.

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

The HBO Series Euphoria has A LOT of male full frontal, including erections. But most notably, Episode 3 has what some claim to be the most dicks ever in a (non-porn) scene. It's a highschool locker room fantasy world. And they spare no detail... close-ups, slo-mo, horse play, grab ass, etc. I did not see that coming at all when it originally aired. HBO keeps upping the male nudity game with every new series they put out.

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

in deed ill have to see bout getting the movie to see this ""mirror shot"" you talk of

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

The HBO Series Euphoria has A LOT of male full frontal, including erections. But most notably, Episode 3 has what some claim to be the most dicks ever in a (non-porn) scene. It's a highschool locker room fantasy world. And they spare no detail... close-ups, slo-mo, horse play, grab ass, etc. I did not see that coming at all when it originally aired. HBO keeps upping the male nudity game with every new series they put out.
This sounds great. I'm going to have to check it out.

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

I believe Nick Stahl appears naked in the film Bully while talking to his dad.Yes you are right. You see his full bush in the mirror. Neither him or his dad in the film think anything of him being nude while they both talk in the bathroom. He walks in the bathroom like it is a normal regular thing for dad to walk in while his high school son is naked in the bathroom having a regular conversation. Good example of how life should be between a father and son.Agreed. I saw it and thought it seemed amazing. That closeness between a father and son. No shame or humiliation. Just open acceptance.

Great scene. I think by letting us see he is nude (there's barely a flash of his ass as we see the sink) and showing his pubic hair in the mirror, we know he's naked and exposed and it sets up a feeling of openness and vulnerability, both physical and emotional. They show him shirtless for the rest of the scene so even though they don't pull the camera away enough to linger on his fully naked body it doesn't matter. The director lets our minds do the work. We know he's naked with his father. It shows that they are comfortable with each other and presumably these characters would be equally comfortable nude in each others presence. That kind of closeness with no barriers, no shame is the way it should be between fathers and sons.

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

The HBO Series Euphoria has A LOT of male full frontal, including erections. But most notably, Episode 3 has what some claim to be the most dicks ever in a (non-porn) scene. It's a highschool locker room fantasy world. And they spare no detail... close-ups, slo-mo, horse play, grab ass, etc. I did not see that coming at all when it originally aired. HBO keeps upping the male nudity game with every new series they put out.

Where I grew up this wasnt a fantasy - it was reality - all of us were naked in the locker room and shower after PE class ... at that time in that culture high school boys were absolutely comfortable being naked together ...

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RE:Surprising Nude Scene

Thanks for that I googled and that scene came up on its own. Great concept. They are so chill about it.

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