Nudity And Nude Scenes In Movies An

This group is for all those who love seeing nudity on film or TV, either seeing actors and actresses naked or group scenes of nudity. There is often a sexual component to much film nudity. This is about the nudity and body exposure or natural expression of nudity, rather than the sexual intent. It's for a discussion on how nudity in films might have influenced their own views on the naked...


The recent horror film Midsommar has a prolonged scene with both Male and Female full frontal nudity. The film itself is a real love it or hate it affair, personally I hated it but the nude scene was worth seeing.

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The Swimmer 1968

Has anyone seen the 1968 film called The Swimmer with Burt Lancaster? It starts off warm and beautiful as he attempts to swim all the pools as he crosses the county one summer day. At one pool he encounters a nudist couple and joins them by shedding...

The Naked Prey

Has anyone seen the 1965 movie The Naked Prey with Cornel Wilde? There are some pretty harsh torturous scenes early in the film. I haven't seen it in years but as I remember most of the male African natives wear only loin cloths, there is some...

Best way to stream media that includes nude...

What do you recommmend to view movies that include nude scenes? Whereas nudity can enhance drama, cutting it out when it's integral to a plot destroys a film's integrity. In the US, the land of naked agression, but God forbid a naked nipple,...

The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Love

Have you ever seen this movie from 1989 with Helen Mirrer, Michael Gambon and Alan Howard? It's a lot of nudity in this movie and full frontal nudity aswell :) . have anyone seen pictures of Anthony Hopkins, Sean Connery or Jack Nickholson,...

Normal People on Hulu

Currently streaming on Hulu is a biting love story between young and beautiful star cross lovers. It is laced with intimate sex scenes that reveal true passion and natural nudity. This film is magic. You tube the trailer. It will not disappoint.

Normal People on Hulu

Currently streaming on Hulu is a biting love story between young and beautiful star cross lovers. It is laced with intimate sex scenes that reveal true passion and natural nudity. This film is magic. You tube the trailer. It will not disappoint.

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I guess you have heard about the app for LGBT movies and series GagaOOLala. Choose Features and Erotic - but remember to click preferred subtitles first - and you see some nudity in several of the movies, although not Erotic in a western definition.

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How about sports films with locker room...

It always seems like sports films show quick flashes of nudity. I suppose it is for the sake of realism, adding a real environmental picture of something the character is going through. But sometimes there is some extended time in a locker room. I...

A Knight's tale

I just re-watched A Knight's Tale with Heath Ledger. I love the mix of historic setting and modern pop music. There are two scenes with Paul Bettany who plays Chaucer totally naked. They first meet him walking down the road in the buff where he...