Nudity And Nude Scenes In Movies An

This group is for all those who love seeing nudity on film or TV, either seeing actors and actresses naked or group scenes of nudity. There is often a sexual component to much film nudity. This is about the nudity and body exposure or natural expression of nudity, rather than the sexual intent. It's for a discussion on how nudity in films might have influenced their own views on the naked...

The wow factor ...

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Am I the only one who has ever been surprised to see how a particular actress or actor looks naked ? I mean, I think when it comes to well known movie stars, we cant help but thinking about how they must look in the nude, at one point or the other, but how does reality match itself against fantasy ? As far as surprises are concerned, who were the ones that shocked you all in a positive or intriguing way ?I found the inspiration for this topic while reading a news story about famous public figures in England taking part in this campaign that is meant to raise awareness for the preservation of the oceans. The people behind the campaign asked actors and others involved in the field of arts to strip and I must say that the final result is quite intriguing and I must also say that Mark Rylance was a very interesting surprise, since one can see him in his underwear in the Steven Spielberg film "Bridge of Spies", but here ... just check ...

The article is written in portuguese,so you might as well just look at the pics or use Google Translate :)

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RE: The wow factor ...

Interesting article but couldn't get the pictures to load.
While not a direct answer to your question, I've always been impressed by any willing to bare all for a cause. I think the Warwick Rowing Team has been particularly significant with their anti-homophobia nude calendars and fund raisers.
As for surprised in the cinema -- I thought Kathy Bates was pretty brave to bare all and get nude in the film "About Schmidt." It's one think for women of classic "sexy" looks, another for a woman with a real, normal human body to do that in front of a world-wide audience.
Kudos to her!

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RE: The wow factor ...

It is funny you would remember Kathy Bates in About Schmidt, since I recall some comments that were made when the movie came out, about how brave she was to appear naked at her age ... intriguing, it seems that in todays world it is ok to show skin when you are young, but once you have reached a certain age and you are an actor or an actress, your body is severely scrutinized. I remember when Basic Instinct 2 came out and how it was severely bashed by the critics that seemed to also criticize the fact that Sharon Stone decided to appear totally naked in the film "at her age" ... are young bodies the only ones that should be allowed to show themselves in their entirety without any clothes ? If so, that is very, very unfair.

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RE: The wow factor ...

That is all interesting... I don't know if you guys remember the film "At Play in the Fields of the Lord" ? This film was made probably at least 20 years ago and Kathy Bates does a full nude scene in that movie too... So still not young, but quite a bit younger than About Schmidt... If you haven't seen the movie it's pretty good with lots of nudity by Tom Berenger too!

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RE: The wow factor ...

Thank you for the heads up, I think I had already heard about that movie but never had the chance to see it.

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