Nudity And Nude Scenes In Movies An

This group is for all those who love seeing nudity on film or TV, either seeing actors and actresses naked or group scenes of nudity. There is often a sexual component to much film nudity. This is about the nudity and body exposure or natural expression of nudity, rather than the sexual intent. It's for a discussion on how nudity in films might have influenced their own views on the naked...

Best way to stream media that includes nude scenes?

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What do you recommmend to view movies that include nude scenes? Whereas nudity can enhance drama, cutting it out when it's integral to a plot destroys a film's integrity. In the US, the land of naked agression, but God forbid a naked nipple, nudity seems censored more than not. Some of my US friends from other countries use VPNs, but that's a whole other matter. Is there any reliable media where it's not as a policy?

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RE:Best way to stream media that includes nude scenes?

personally i think it destroys the context of a video , show or movie when the nudity , sex is pixeled out or deleted . For example the tv show called "Naked and Afraid" is such a farse because of the pixeled out genitalia , breasts and butts, It's supposed to be a reality show . Same goes for most other fake reality shows too.. Its another source of instilling body shame ,,

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