Nudity And Nude Scenes In Movies An

This group is for all those who love seeing nudity on film or TV, either seeing actors and actresses naked or group scenes of nudity. There is often a sexual component to much film nudity. This is about the nudity and body exposure or natural expression of nudity, rather than the sexual intent. It's for a discussion on how nudity in films might have influenced their own views on the naked...

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While watching some music videos on MTV (when it finds the time to actually air music videos rather than silly reality tv shows),I realized that apart from some very few exceptions, todays music scene or its imagery seems to be dominated by the idea that less is certainly more meaning : less clothes, more views. Whilst Im not in any way, a prude person (although I think that there are limits to everything ), I cant help but thinking that todays pop artists, just like many years before, do influence those who follow them and no matter how hard some channels like MTV or VH1 may sometimes try and air those racy music videos at very late hours, todays youngsters have quick access to all sorts of contents online. Yes, if a singer is singing a song that requires to at least be sexy, its ok to show some skin, but when that just ends up becoming too racy, should there be any limits ?

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  • 10 years ago