Mature And Younger Nudists

3625 active members! One of the most active groups on this site. Our members are real and ready to help. Your questions will be answered by our genuine nudists members. The main goal of this group is to be the best group in sharing and exchanging wisdom, knowledge and providing the best advice possible.

With the new year and what seems like an influx of new nudists in this group asking questions about nudism. I wanted to ask the experienced members of this group if they remember having any regrets the first time they became involved in nudism?

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Absolutely not - Just wish I had discovered social nudity at a much younger age

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With the new year and what seems like an influx of new nudists in this group asking questions about nudism. I wanted to ask the experienced members of this group if they remember having any regrets the first time they became involved in nudism?

No regrets from day one. It was a revelation , it allows a sense of solace and calmness I've not experience any other way.

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Nope and like all the comments on here wish I had started earlier. I really wish my wife would join me.

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My only real regrets were not growing up in a nudist household or being able to raise my sons to appreciate nudism more. Divorce has a way of cutting into more than a marriage ending.

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Regrets? Yes. I regret the number of friends and acquaintances that I've had over the years who were uncomfortable nude in any setting.

I regret not having more liberated friends.

As for personal regrets, none. None whatsoever. For me, clothing is inhibiting and being nude is perfectly natural.

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I have two regrets in life, none that have to do with being a nudist and Ill take them to the grave with me.

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We all have regrets, mine I have told some people. I do not regret being a nudist. I enjoy when I can wear nothing all except what God gave me at birth

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Only that I didn't start sooner!

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I agree. Only that I didn't start sooner.

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