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Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

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Is this true for most nudist resorts/camps? Have you seen either a "no singles" or "no single men" policy?

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

I see many nudist resorts as completely outdated, and I'm not even referring to their facilities.
In my experience, they discourage or discriminate against men unaccompanied by women, and consider married gay men double singles. I consider them sexist and don't understand why any men would pay to be treated disdainfully.
If the policies were opposite directed against women, it would cause an uproar.

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

Then start complaining to AANR about this policy and their support of discrimination. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Have friends that are couples complain to the resorts.
I have visited two resorts in my area as an unaccompanied male and both were friendly towards my status.

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

There is a resort near where I live that does this exact thing and it honestly upsets me.

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

I have heard the same policies regarding single men not being allowed in to certain nudist resorts. I have also heard that if you are a member of AANR or TNS that sometimes that helps get you in. The policy seems to be in place to help eliminate single men that may be lookie-loos for the naked women or attempting to get in with the thought of sexual activity. If you can show that you are a member of one of the national nudist organizations then that seems to help show that you are a true nudist since you went to the time and expense of joining an established nudist organization. Not sure if that is actually the case but something to inquire about at those resorts.

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

I live in Tennessee one resort Rock Haven allows single males and if your a same sex couple you pay couples price dont have be M/F. I have contacted a few resorts in GA since I live on TN/GA state line most told me have be with a female no single males or married m/m lady at a GA resort told me I'd be better suited at a all Gay resort. Well I'm a nudist to socialize with everyone...not just men but everyone. I'm not going expecting sex...but I guess if your single male that's your only intention...doesn't apply to single females???? What I can tell you most GA/Alabama/Tennessee resorts need rethink there rules regarding single or even M/M couples. Just my thoughts.

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

Which resorts in GA? I've been to a handful as a single male, and it wasn't a problem. Of course, they make you pay double, but that's another issue. But I agree with everyone.. it's all bullshit. In my experience, it's the old married men wondering the trails who are the ones looking for sex!

However, as a counterpoint, these rules exist because there was a problem. Men can be total creeps (we've all seen them in action), and if the resorts don't create some sort of safe space or equalizing force to tip the scales, the straight resorts would be overran by men and women would bolt.

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

Does anyone know about Lake Como in Lutz, FL? I won 4 free nights in a raffle to keep FL beaches naked and I dont want to go as a single gay man if it is unwelcoming. THX! Joey

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RE:Single nudist men not allowed in resorts?

Yes, I have felt the prejudices of my local resort. I live in Wilmington, about an hour from Whispering Pines. They have a quota system, so you better get there early or you are out of luck. Once in you had better enjoy your on company
(which I do). Thank goodness there is Bird Island at Sunset Beach close by.

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