Mature And Younger Nudists
3625 active members! One of the most active groups on this site. Our members are real and ready to help. Your questions will be answered by our genuine nudists members. The main goal of this group is to be the best group in sharing and exchanging wisdom, knowledge and providing the best advice possible.
Sharing Your Nude Photos
Return to DiscussionsWhy Did you Decide To Share Your Nude Pictures On This Site?
- 6 years ago
Why Did you Decide To Share Your Nude Pictures On This Site?
I fully concur with this post on the subject:
RE:Sharing Your Nude Photos
Reason : pure and simple body acceptance. That's why I didn't mind posting my pictures here too. I'm proud of myself and have nothing to be ashamed of.
- 5 years ago
anyone can see any of my nude pics they are there on my profile please look at them
- 5 years ago
anyone can see any of my nude pics they are there on my profile please look at them
- 5 years ago
I had been a closet nudist for quite a while as, like many others, had lived with the thought that the love of nudity was some kind of perversion. After doing some reading on the subject I came to the realization that many shared my love of spending their day naked and decided it was time to break out. Those first postings were such a rush and turned out to be one of the best things I had ever done. I post pics with my face as I figure that if someone recognizes me, then perhaps I will have a new nudist friend!
- 5 years ago
Oct . 13 , 2019 .
Very True .
- 5 years ago
I am a naturist. I was born naked, am not ashamed of my naked body. We all have one, we were all born the same way. The human body is nothing to be ashamed of. I have learned to accept my beautiful self for who I am. I have no shame in my being nude. On a nudist site, we should all have nude pictures.
I have more of a problem with people who do not have nude pics, and empty profiles.
- 5 years ago
I don't have all my pics set as public but happy to share with those that ask or send a friend request
- 5 years ago
If I can't share my nude full-frontal pictures on this site, where else can I ...?
I must admit that it is only two years ago that I finally had the courage to share such pictures in public, especially on the internet. It was on Tumblr. Now I know that it was only fear and false shame that withheld me from doing it before. Pride came in their place.
Considering the nature of this group I hope youngsters won't wait so long ...
- 5 years ago