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First Experience

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At what age did you discover the joy of being naked? What was your first experience like?

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

Id strip off at home as a kid if I was alone. Id bunk off school and spend day naked. Always felt slightly naughty but fun!

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

I figure I was about 28 when I first started hanging out naked at home and sleeping in the nude. I also did some skinny dipping. It felt weird feeling water move across my body in places I wasn't used to feeling it, but it's second nature now.

I was a bit older when I started hiking nude. I was nervous about being caught so was a bit jumpy at every noise I heard in the woods. I've learned to recognize what's just normal forest noises vs. human made noise, as well as learned what trails and times are usually safe, so it feels normal now.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

Id strip off at home as a kid if I was alone. Always felt slightly naughty but fun!

Me too. I was brought up to believe it wasn't right. That didn't stop me getting naked when alone. It carried on into young adulthood and middle age - always sneaking off to get naked. It wasn't until late in life that I discovered nudism. I found there are a lot of us and all quite normal people -not perverts as I'd been lead to believe. I wish I'd done it earlier. Now I'm making up for the lost years.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

I remember sneaking back with some friends naked into the school's swimming pool after we were supposed to be finished - I must have been 15 or something. My first trip to a beach naked was when I was 18, I found a remote part of the beach and took my chances. This was years before my first trip to a nude beach.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

When I was six or seven we were in a camping club. While camping a few of us boys would take our swim suits off and run around in the woods naked. It was a very freeing experience. Parents always made it feel like being nude was a bad thing. I enjoyed it and was hooked on it.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

I was 13 or 14 a older friend of mine (17) brought up the idea being naked in the woods so we did's was great. We got together naked as often as we could after that.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

As far as I can remember I always enjoyed being nude but my first real time started when I was just 7 years old. I spent the summer on my uncle and aunts farm with my cousin who is the same age as me. We were pretty much allowed to do whatever we wanted and we did. We were naked all day everyday from sun up to sun down, running and playing on that huge farm. My uncle and aunt didn't mind and nor did anyone else. We were seen by others and no one made a fuss. It was such a fun time and I knew from that moment on how much I enjoyed being naked. When my parents came to pick me up they couldn't believe how tan I had gotten all over and they were happy to see me. I hated the fact that I had to put on clothes to go home but my parents would allow me to be nude at home as long as I was in the house. From that time on it just grew in to a passion of mine. I can't imagine living any other way or being any other way. I love being a nudist and love being naked.

This post was edited 5 years ago
  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

My first real experience was when I would go spend the summers with my grandparents. My grandmother partially raised me and she could tell from an early age that I just liked being naked, so she encouraged it whenever I would be over at her house. I don't think I could've gotten away with openly walking around naked whenever I wanted but if I wanted to sleep naked, go in the jacuzzi without a swimsuit, or even just watch tv in the buff while she was outside reading she didn't care. My mom discouraged it since she said sleeping naked was more of an "adult thing" but I'd still find ways. Back at home when everyone else was sleep I would take off all my clothes and go explore the house. Something about standing in the middle of the living room without a stitch of clothing on just felt so freeing.

I was 14 when I had my first full-fledged outdoor naked experience. I snuck out one night to go to the beach with a friend. He had playfully mentioned a couple times on the way there that he was taking me to go skinny-dipping but I thought he was just kidding. I thought it would be too risky since if anybody were to walk by they would see us. Next thing I knew I was walking away from my clothes and right towards the water. It felt great to be out in the open and feel the breeze all over my whole body. At that point I didn't even care if anyone saw us. A few years later I visited Blacks Beach for the first time and haven't looked back since.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

My first nude experience happened when I was 13. I was friends with six boys in my neighborhood where there happened to be three swimming pools available to us . We were all swimming at one of the boys pool when the boy who lived there took off his swimsuit. Quickly after, three others did the same and started egging myself and the other boy to do the same. We both were reluctant to do so, so the four other boys stripped us of our suits and the rest was history. I loved the feel and freedom of swimming nude with the other boys. From then on, when we could, we always swam naked. That was my first experience of group nudity. It also was the beginning of my road to being a nudist.

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  • 6 years ago
RE:First Experience

I went to a Nudist Club, 7 years ago and looked at other male cocks.

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  • 6 years ago