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Are you a different person when youre naked?
Return to DiscussionsIm much more gregarious and chatty when nude. But what I say has less substance to it and is less intelligent overall. I also find that when Im dressed, regardless of circumstances, I become more serious generally.
I feel comfortable both naked and clothed, but am different in personality depending; how about you?
- 6 years ago
I have to say being nude with others brought me out of my shyness of course as I grew older that had a lot to do with it also. everyone being nude there are no barriers rich, poor, smart , dumb remove the clothes and the only thing left is looks and come on no matter how beautiful or handsome we all have flaws .
- 6 years ago
Clothed, I am an introvert and tend to be serious, except with friends. Without the clothes, I still tend to keep to myself (until I am very comfortable with those around me) but am more likely to start a conversation.
With naked strangers the conversation is often pretty shallow, much as it would be with clothed strangers. But with a small group of friends, we'll talk about travel, work, the future etc. I am much more likely to talk about relationships, body issues, sex with naked friends than with clothed.
- 6 years ago
In one sense, no: I'm an off-the-wall introvert, so I'm the same slightly suspicious, rather cautious and circumspect person, whether I'm meeting you on a nude beach, talking to you in a downtown bar where it's probably noisy and every one is "appropriately" dressed to meet the general public's notion of "decency", in church or at a political rally, or naked at the bar of a clothes-free resort. There is a sense of peace, of relief, and maybe even joy, at being able to walk along a shore and getting in and out of water, or getting out of a clubhouse or clothing optional condo or lodge to walk naked across the lawn or through the woods that comes from not having to worry about facing someone's negative judgements for daring to be naked in a public situation: and that leads to a sense of release not unlike what W. E. B. duBois called the end of "double consciousness". Venues where one is free to be naked also tend to be venues where one is free to be open about one's religion, one's sexuality, or one's profession, even (should anyone ask: it seems it's always a "man thing", even among naked-getting folks, to ask what one does for a living).
Although: in the ever-more-politicized US, the only dangerous topic seems to be my politics. People see me naked and any topic is fair game for conversation and acceptance, even with disagreements: we can talk about sexuality, we can talk about religion; and being naked together somehow eliminates barriers. But when the conversation turns to politics. If the person I'm talking with has a different political perspective, I suddenly find myself faced with a lambasting not unlike what I would face at work, where I am equally on edge. But at work I know enough to keep my mouth shut about a lot of things, including my being a naked-getting guy. Which is why, when I'm naked, I am a little bit of a different person.
But the situation about politics, and the shyness (the "double-consciousness"} that it seems to impose leaves me feeling very sad. It leaves me a little more wary, even when naked, than I would like to be.
I suppose what it means, though -- or at least what it means to me: always to maintain respect for the person you're talking to, whether that person is naked or not. It seems to me that folks who are at ease with wearing nothing while talking with other folks, however clad or unclad they may be, should be especially adept at this.
And in that sense, at least, maybe we are -- or I would like for myself to be -- a different person when I'm naked.
And you understand, I hope: it's not YOU I'm preaching to when I say that; It's me.
- 6 years ago
I'm pretty much the same as when I'm clothed. Just a lot happier.
- 6 years ago
I am who I am with or without clothes on. Id say the only time Im really ever that different is when Im at work and have to be more professional. I guess thats why its so nice to come home from work and get naked and be my true self.
- 6 years ago
Definitely a lot happier when naked!
Personality is much the same, but being raised in the lifestyle, I more comfortable and outgoing around other nudist.
- 6 years ago
Am the same, but likely more outgoing, friendly, and likely to say hello first. I also think, for me, all of that increased with age too.
- 6 years ago
Yes, I am different. I stare more and I listen more than I talk. When I wear clothing I talk a lot more.
- 6 years ago
pretty much the same just more relaxed and less judgmental
- 6 years ago
I am no different. However, I am more relaxed and definitely happier when Im naked. Especially in the company of other naked people.
- 6 years ago