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Nudism and sex life!

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What impact does nudism have on your sex life? Is it easier to preform in bed if you are a nudist?

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RE:Nudism and sex life!

Great question! Whenever Im lucky enough to hang out with others, Im making sure the house and pool are clean and that food and drink are prepared and available so I hadnt really thought about it.

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RE:Nudism and sex life!

Yes, I used to shoot too quickly and now my comfort and control have improved a lot.

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RE:Nudism and sex life!

I am not sure there is a negative impact. If you can have an erection with no shame, and your perception of yourself improves, I think we can be more affectionate in more scenarios, which equates to being more comfortable. As far as sex life, its another step in life. For me, I am uninhibted at home, its easier to have sex or explore with no clothes on. Real people, real situations.

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RE:Nudism and sex life!

I do meet more people who are willing to get naked. And some do enjoy sex. Of course it's important to know the difference between nudity and sex. Assumptions should not be made.

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RE:Nudism and sex life!

Being nude whenever possible, privately and socially, is bound to have a positive effect on our sex lives. As well as providing opportunities, it encourages a healthy lifestyle, which keeps us fit, and in good shape. Feeling relaxed while naked, while remaining sexually aware, adds a touch of excitement to everyday situations. It works for me, anyway!

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RE:Nudism and sex life!

I don't know about easier to "perform" in bed, but I will say this: Although my nudist friends are not people I am sexually attracted to, becoming comfortable in those situations led eventually to becoming comfortable in sexually charged contexts also.

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