Older Male Nudists

Maturity has its advantages--we grow in wisdom and self-acceptance with each passing year. As older males we're able to relax and enjoy life, let go of work pressures and everyday tedium. Being nudists enriches our lives even more, since it enables us to accept the changes in our bodies and physicality. Role model, mentor, or daddy: all are new ways others see and relate to us. We're able...

Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

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My dick appears to have gotten smaller with age. Anyone else in the Group notice that with their dicks?

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

That does happen to some gents with age, also certain medications taken for long periods of time can cause that to happen also. Extreme weight gain also.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

Can't say it's happened to me... yet! Smaller in both forms? Was going to say, "Keep your pecker up!" Lol. Apparently as we age, the skin on the underside of the penis can tighten. Apparently, penis size shouldn't change, but it's the other changes to our body that can create an illusion that our penis size has reduced. Testes, on the other hand, can shrink on account of lower testosterone and sex hormones. Therefore, they can shrink.

Thanks for the update. My balls don't quite hang as low as they used to either--that was going to be my next question. Also--anyone know if prostate massages do anything, or are they just something we like to fantasize about?

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

doesn't that it feels good too

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

I'm 58 now and enjoying my penis just as much as ever. It has many sizes (lengths) during the day depending on temperature and degrees of visual and manipulated stimulation. I don't think I have shrunken any as I've gotten older. I still wake up every morning with an erection and still ejaculate as much as when I was younger. I do notice that my balls hang lower but that the testicles themselves are not bigger. But as all men I do wish that my penis was bigger than it is, LOL

This post was edited 7 years ago
  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

Same problem with me after the recent radical prostetectomy. I was advised that once the prostate was removed, the joining up of the Urethra would lose 10mm at least of length. :-( But regular use of a penis pump is helping a little. I will be able to have specialist thai (deep tissue) genital massages about 12 months after the op! I have a brilliantly trained masseur who does this procedure.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

I've noticed a slight decrease in size of my penis as I've become older. I tend to be different sizes with my various activities, but when aroused and hard I'm close to the same size as I was in my younger years. It is a bit more of a challenge to make it stay hard as long, but still gets the job done. I had a vasectomy approx 30 years ago and with the loss of some fluid during ejaculation, some of the lasting "explosive feeling" is missed, but not complaining.....its still all good.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

Definitely. Plus it doesn't get as big when erect either.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

I have not put on that much weight, last clothed weight was 175 pounds at 5' 11". But flesh does accumulate in the groin, the penis is rooted near the bone so the accumulated flesh can make it look smaller. Or so I rationalize....

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

How big was it and how big is it now. I was uncut til 23. Seems like it got shorter then. Now in the last 10 years it seems to have gotten even smaller. Fuck. I was never big and needed every micro inch I could get. I envy and admire those big guys.

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  • 7 years ago
RE:Big Pecker/Little Pecker?

The first time I measured it was erect in my mid 20's and at the time it was 8.5" It now measures between 7" and 7.5" depending on how excited I am at the age of 74.
I don't have any flaccid measurements from my younger days to compare my current 4.5" with.

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  • 7 years ago