Outer Banks OBX Of NC Male Nudist
For guys living at or visiting the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We host small groups of men only happy hour / pool parties at our place in Kill Devil Hills, NC. Hang out with other male nudist (straight, bi & gay mixed crowd) for drinks, movie nights, card games, shooting pool, nude swimming and cookouts.
Pea island nude trip
Return to DiscussionsHello! Planning a group beach trip for August 2022...what is the current update on the nude use and activity?
- 3 years ago
Same as it's always been. You just got to be careful on pea island. I was approached by a wildlife officer just the other day. Said he had gotten a report of someone walking around naked. I had been there for an hour and a half and nobody had come within a quarter mile of me and i was the only person in my area. The next closest group was over a mile away to the south. No way anybody called. He was just hoping to find me naked. After we talked a min. he asked if we had met before cause he thought he recognized my truck. Was probably the same officer that gave me a ticket a couple years back. Luckily i was still wearing my shorts after just coming back from a walk. I followed his tracks back off the beach after he left and i saw where he didnt use a normal walkover and saw where he stood for a while watching. Shame they got nothing better to do.
Just be smart and keep your head on a swivel
- 3 years ago
And i dont see nearly as many nude as i used to. I usually go over around mp 36 and i used to see a least a couple others out in the past years but this summer has been wierd. Not even the guys hanging in the dunes. Its like everybody was run off or they found a new place that i don't know about yet.
- 3 years ago