Pacific Northwest (Washington, Idah
A group for people in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Lower B.C. to connect and talk about items of local interest.
The Pacific Northwest has some great natural hot springs, so lets here about your favorite.
What sort of activities do you fill your time with when the wonderful weather here in the Northwest turns nasty?
I plan on heading to Bagby Hot Springs for the first time in the next few days. Is there anything i need to know about, except for relax and enjoy?
Just moved here and would like to know of hiking trails where nude hiking would be ok. Hiked Tumalo Falls Trail outside Bend in Micro Bikini and met about 20 people on the trail with little reaction but wouldn't dare nude with that number of...
Welcome to the group! I hope to make this a fun place to meet and connect with other people who live in the Pacific Northwest and the area of lower B.C. and to provide a place to share information on items of local interest. There are no real rules...
sorry for another cross-post. I just got back from another visit to Collins beach. Another great day. It helped that as i was leaving someone paid me an extremely nice compliment. Always nice to have the ego stroked. I was thinging of checking out...
I posted this to Nudist and Naturist of the Greater Portland, Oregon Area as well, sorry if the cross-post offends you. I took my first visit to Collins Beach on Friday (8/12). I thought I would share my impressions and experience. First, it was an...
A couple of months ago i started a group here on Truenudists called "Naturists & Nudists of the Greater Portland Oregon Area" The apuroose it to allow members to post local nudist events, and also to help form car pools to the local nude...
there will be a nudist veiwing of art in Stanwood Washington on the 19th of March in the evening, please contact me if interested. Be fun to meet other truenudists there!