Penn Sylvan True Nudists

This group is dedicated to the organizing of nudist get togethers at Penn Sylvan by True Nudist members.

Oct 5 and or Oct12

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Anyone planning a trip to Penn Sylvan on these days?

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RE: Oct 5 and or Oct12

I'm a definite maybe. I'll watch this thread and hopefully we get some folks going. I can bring the corn hold set.

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RE: Oct 5 and or Oct12

I was looking at maybe heading there tomorrow and then next week end either sat and sunday or sunday and monday but don't know yet

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RE: Oct 5 and or Oct12

I'm thinking of going to Penn Sylvan this weekend and would enjoy meeting other nudists.Dave

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RE: Oct 5 and or Oct12

Didn't make it this weekend but it was a prefect weekend to be nude. Hopefully next weekend I will make it to a nude resort

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