Penn Sylvan True Nudists

This group is dedicated to the organizing of nudist get togethers at Penn Sylvan by True Nudist members.


Met some of the MARNA gang at pshs tonight, also present were LionNJ, Wiinaked and us Nature_made...had a great time, have to do it again and soon!

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Sunday Nov 11

Anyone going to be there on Sunday Nov 11? We are looking to find a day for a visit and would love to meet others

upcoming visit

Just a heads up...some of us are heading over for a mid week visit on the 27th, hope you can join us.

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indoor pool closed

Just a heads up to anyone thinking of visiting PSHS, the indoor pool and hot tub area is closed until the end of the month for maintenance, they are planning on opening it back up by March 1st, but call to check before heading out. We will post...

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New Web Address

Penn Sylvan's new web address is out the upcoming events page, Halloween Party on the 29th with The Large Flowerheads...

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Sept 24th

We're going...are you?

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this weekend

considering going to penn sylvan this weekend...anyone free to join us?

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Bike Weekend

Anybody heading over today or tomorrow for Bike Week?

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Change of Plans

Well, no Avalon this month, but probably doing PSHS on the 23rd of April for an afternoon...say 11am through around 4 or 5. Anyone care to join us?

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next visits

don't have any on the schedule yet, but look for one near the middle of June. We are doing Avalon during April and Whitetail mid May so my guess would be either PSHS in June or a weekend trip to Gunnison, we will see and we will keep everyone...

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