Penn Sylvan True Nudists

This group is dedicated to the organizing of nudist get togethers at Penn Sylvan by True Nudist members.

Greetings Everyone,
Save this date to come out to Penn Sylvan. MARNA will be making a Road trip there that day and would be great to see a lot of great faces there that day. Also just as a reminder that is also the date of PS month Potluck so being a dish to share. I will be bring my Triple Death By Chocolate Brownies for all you chocolate lovers. See ya there.

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RE: Feb 9th

Looking forward to it...already in the calendar

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RE: Feb 9th

We'll do our best to get there also. We are hoping to get there one day in January also.

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RE: Feb 9th

We are looking forward to making a road trip that day too so as long as weather is good hopefully we will make it and meet lots of new people.

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RE: Feb 9th

Is the potluck dinner on Saturday the 9th or Sunday the 10th? I went on the website and looked at the event callendar and the potluck dinner has on the 10th.

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RE: Feb 9th

It looked as if the whole month was off by a day...I believe the pot luck is on Saturday.

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RE: Feb 9th

We are hoping ot make it never been there on a potluck day, I am thinking I can't make anything hot because with the travel it will get cold and probably will not arrive until 11:30 or 12 so don't know if I brought something in a crockpot if it would have time to warm up. Any suggestions on what I can bring. I am thinking potatoe salad or a pasta salad.. Open for ideas, Thanks

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RE: Feb 9th

Potluck is always held on the second Saturday of the month. They start around 1pm and they can warm up your crock pot. Bring an extension cord just in case. However, any dish is welcomed.

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RE: Feb 9th

Thanks we probably will not get there till 11:30 or 12:00 so I am afraid if I bring something that needs to be warmed up it may not be enough time. I will think of something.

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RE: Feb 9th

Hoping the snow misses us so we can make it on Saturday. If Friday plans get cancelled then they will be moved to Saturday and that will blow all my plans out of the water.

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RE: Feb 9th

We couldn't make it the 9th, but we were wondering if anyone did make it out and how things went...

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