
For nudists who like taking photos. For beginners and experts. No experience necessary. If you are curious, have just bought a camera and would like to know more... step on in... Nerds and photo-geeks are also welcome. If you have a darkroom or work in Black and White you have a home here. If you think that autofocus is the tool of the devil, you will not be mocked.

What are you shooting with?

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What is everyone shooting with? It's said that the best camera is the one you always have with you. For the majority of us, it is our cellphone cameras, but those still can't compete with dslr quality. So what's everyone shooting with? I'd like some recommendations if possible. Thanks

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RE:What are you shooting with?

I use a Nikon D750 most of the time, an iPhone 14 pro for quick shots and a Sony point and shoot for other shots.

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